Sometimes I wonder why people tend to find so much pleasure in the judgment of others. We are all different. We wear different clothing, we have different interests, some wear more makeup, some less, a few might go through breakups quite a lot, some might not ever have any relationship to begin with. We don't always share the same humour or the same ideals, we have different ideas of how many children we wanna have one day or when we are planning to have children or maybe we are not planning to have any at all. We make mistakes, we do great things, we loose our way and we get back on track. And that is what makes us human, what makes us unique and diverse and why would we want us all to be uniform anyway?
What I would love to see is that we work on simply accepting others. No one forces you to become friends, to bond or even simply spend time with someone. Not one person will force you to go on a website and look at their picture, get involved with their lifes, no! That is something that you do out of your own will, because inside of you, you have the urge to be a part of it, to have a say in Their life. I want you to switch positions for a second and imagine that same person would have the possibility to look at your life, to see your decisions, find out about your stories that might have been manipulated by others already and taken out of context. Because that is what media does and if you look at a story and don't behave media literate, don't see things outside of the bubble you are in, then all the judgements you make are without reason and simply unfair.
So now I ask you, do you want to be fair? If yes, then keep in mind that randomly typing "you are such a bitch, the way you treat you child and husband, so sad, you don't deserve them" on someones picture, just because you have recently read an article on snapchat news about her and the woman is wearing too much makeup for your taste and is wearing a push up bra, which you don't approve of, is not fair. This is badly reasoned judgment that no one asked for and that says more about you than the person you are commenting on.
I'm not saying here that one should approve of any behaviour there is in this world. If you know that your neighbour is experiencing domestic abuse then please don't stay out of it but do something to help, this is a complete different situation though than hating on someone.
There is real bad things happening in this world and then there is a divorce between two influencers and the rumours that come with it. If someone really wants to spend their time focussing on the latter rather than actual hardship and pain, than I guess one must be quite bored with their own life.
Hate kills and hurts and the fact that that this actually makes others feel good just goes to show that this world struggles because of us, because of the interest that humans have in the suffering of others. So please, be different, be nice, be kind and accepting and if you aren't than just stay away from the profiles of people that you don't like and do yourself And them a big favour. It goes back to the saying: Simply treat other the way you would like to be treated!
PS: Thanks to everyone that is already doing so for spreading love in this world xxxx
